Our dedicated team of ecologists has extensive experience in undertaking professional ecological surveys, to the consistently high standard that our clients expect and deserve. Such survey work underpins all ecological reporting and assessments, and it is essential that the survey techniques are appropriate and proportionate to the project scenario, in order to deliver robust and reliable results for our clients.
Our ecologists have experience throughout the UK and routinely undertake specialist surveys for a wide range of habitats and faunal species, including:
- Phase 1 Habitat Survey
- UK Hab Habitat Survey
- Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Condition Assessments
- Phase 2 Botanical Survey – including NVC survey / Ancient Woodland Vascular Plant survey
- Invasive Species Survey
- Bat Survey – including presence / absence surveys, Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRA), Ground-level Tree Assessments (GLTA), Phase 2 dusk emergence surveys, static and transect activity surveys, and 'close' aerial inspections
- Badger Survey – including presence / absence surveys, remote camera trapping, and bait marking studies
- Dormouse Survey – including nest tube presence / absence surveys, nut searches, and footprint surveys
- Water Vole Survey – including presence / absence surveys, and remote camera trapping
- Otter Survey – including presence / absence surveys, and remote camera trapping
- Great Crested Newt Survey – including standard presence / absence surveys, Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys, and population surveys
- Reptile Survey – including presence / absence surveys, and population surveys
- White-clawed Crayfish Survey – including presence / absence surveys, and population surveys
- Barn Owl Survey – including presence / absence surveys, and remote camera trapping
- Breeding Bird Survey
- Nesting Bird Survey
With over 16 years of experience, our ecologists fully appreciate how the discovery of legally protected species can impact a project from planning, programme and budgetary perspectives. We work closely with our clients and their project teams to deliver cost-effective and achievable outcomes, whilst ensuring that important ecological features are fully safeguarded throughout the lifecycle of the project.
In order to inform proposals, and planning applications, we routinely prepare a range of ecology reports / outputs including:
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
- Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (BNGA)
- Biodiversity Gain Plan (BGP)
- Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (HMMP)
- Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment (sHRA)
- Constraints and Opportunities Technical Note
- Reports and Graphics to Address Planning Conditions
Allied Ecology prides itself in remaining at the forefront of emerging best practice guidance, scientific research, planning policies, and the most effective software and specialist survey equipment available. This ensures that every project receives the benefit of our extensive working ecological knowledge and consultancy experience.