Where important ecological features (such as protected / Priority Species and Priority Habitats) may be identified, and could be impacted by the proposals, Allied Ecology prides itself on collaborating and working closely with our clients / their project teams, to design proportionate mitigation strategies to address potential project constraints. Our mitigation and safeguarding strategies are specifically designed to provide the most cost and time-effective solutions, to avoid unintentional harm and ensure that projects can avoid unnecessary delays.
Our ecologists have a flawless track record in preparing and obtaining Natural England mitigation licences for a range of nationally and internationally protected species, such as bats, Badger, Dormouse, and Great Crested Newts.
In addition, our ecologists hold Natural England Mitigation Class Licences for bats and Badger, which can achieve the necessary consent from Natural England in less than two weeks. This capability means that Allied Ecology can deliver fast and effective results for all projects, especially those which may be heavily time-constrained.
Where practicable, we seek to retain protected species and deliver mitigation strategies within a development’s framework.
Our team has extensive experience in delivering reptile and Great Crested Newt translocation exercises to on-site and off-site receptors, and artificial Badger sett creation, where necessary.
We regularly implement safeguarding strategies and undertake Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) supervisions / undertake Nesting Bird Surveys, to unlock project sites and avoid breaching relevant legislation afforded to faunal species.
To discuss your project, and any ecology mitigation / licensing measures that may be required, please do get in touch.